Dr. Roshawnna Novellus is the Founder and CEO of EnrichHER and is passionate about economic empowerment, inclusive economic growth, and overall gender equality. Dr.…
Dracoss is a green start-up dedicated to developing water and resource management solutions. Dracoss’ gray water recycling technology recycles waste water from commercial buildings…
DREx is developing a platform that unlocks the potential of sustainable finance, avoiding E.S.G. greenwashing practices, and has traceability and transparency as a core…
DrinKicks is a sneaker themed consumer packaged goods company that is focused on repurposing food waste and recycled materials into sustainable goods such as…
Drizzle Health’s mission is to build affordable products that provide everyone with quality healthcare. Drizzle Health’s first product, Medupi, helps primary health centers and…
Dunia Payment has developed a mobile application that offers financial services to users in remote African communities. The venture’s application integrates with financial institution…
Dysmus Kisilu, is the founder of Solar Freeze, a company that specializes in providing renewable energy solutions (solar powered cold storage units) to off-grid…
E-Jam’ia has a mission is to create a community-based financial support system for individuals by providing a mobile application that would digitize the traditional cultural concept…
eAgro is a dynamic company that leverages technology to tailor-make simple and easily accessible technology for farmers and their stakeholders. Their flagship product, Cropfix,…
Earthbond is a one-stop solar shop for African businesses that want to switch from dirty, expensive diesel and fuel generators to clean, reliable, and…