Janet Akande-Dokun is one of the co-founders of Moremme VA LLC and a pharmaceutical scientist, with more than 25 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical…
Jasmin Hinnant is an HR professional with experience in Org Development, Talent Development, and DEI. Jasmin graduated from Temple University (’14) and Michigan State…
Jasmine Jones is the founder and CEO of Cherry Blossom Intimates. Inspired by her grandmother’s battle with breast cancer, Jasmine created the company to…
Jay Newton-Small is cofounder of MemoryWell, which tells the life stories of those suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia. Previously, Newton-Small was Washington correspondent for…
JDoe is the world’s first truly anonymous, end-to-end encrypted reporting platform for survivors of sexual assault, rape, and harassment. We connect mutual victims of…
Jean Chrysostome Nabolle is the chief financial officer at Dunia Payment and is responsible for the company’s compliance. While studying Civil and IT engineering…
Jeffrey Martín is a serial entrepreneur and founder of the educational nonprofit, honorCode, which they led in Atlanta through 2019. HonorCode provided curriculum and…
Jeffrey Prost-Greene is a Washington D.C. native, social innovator, and environmental leader who has spent his professional career, founding and working in a range…
Jessica (Tyner) Mehta is poet and novelist. She’s a member of the Cherokee Nation and author of ten books including the forthcoming Savagery (poetry), the…