Carlisha Gentle headshot

Carlisha Gentles

LCDR Carlisha Gentles, PharmD, BCPS, CDCES is a Commissioned Officer of the United States Public Health Service. Currently, she is stationed at the FDA as a scientific analyst within the Division of Risk Management responsible for reviewing and developing complex risk mitigation and elimination strategies (REMS) for medications with significant toxicity concerns. LCDR Gentles received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Howard University. She completed a post-graduate residency in Community Pharmacy and Ambulatory Care at Mercer University. Pursuing an opportunity to work in remote underserved communities, she served as the Chief Pharmacist on the Navajo Reservation overseeing an ambulatory care center. In this role, she established a robust immunization program and successful pharmacist-run chronic disease management program. Being in DC with a passion for eliminating health disparities, she is one of 2 pharmacists who established clinical pharmacy services at an FQHC. In one of the most underserved regions in the city, she translated her skills from the Reservation to develop a transition of care program and chronic disease health literacy initiative. Recently, she was selected as a Community in Health Innovator of the Ward Infinity initiative sponsored by Sibley Memorial and John Hopkins University to develop an innovative solution to improve health literacy in underserved communities. In her personal time, she established a nonprofit, Dissipating Disparities, Inc. (DDI), with a focus on eliminating disparities in rural Georgia. DDI has eliminated barriers to care for 1200 participants focusing on primary care linkage, health literacy, mental wellness and live panels with providers. A mother, wife and officer, she enjoys family time and giving back to others.