Heather Lawver
Heather Lawver is an entrepreneur, designer, and children’s advocate from the DC metro area. As the founder of Perfectly Pitched, she uses the power of storytelling & design to empower early stage social entrepreneurs. Specializing in branding, marketing, & pitch deck design, Heather enjoys helping diverse founders to tell their stories and achieve their goals.
Heather is best known for her work with The Daily Prophet, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created when she was only 14 years old, through which she tutored over 400 children in English & Creative Writing. At age 16, she founded PotterWar, a landmark boycott campaign against Warner Brothers, who had been threatening adolescent owners of Harry Potter fan websites. The campaign’s effects have been studied in multiple collegiate textbooks, and it set legal precedents that protect online fan participation to this day. During the height of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Heather led the Yang Yun campaign, which helped bring to light powerful evidence that proved China’s repeated falsification of their Olympic athletes’ ages and shined a light on the institutionalized physical and emotional abuse of children as young as two years old in Chinese state-run athletic training programs.
Heather lives in Northern Virginia with her dog, Tyberius.