June Benjamin

June is a peace technologist, human rights attorney and business consultant that specializes in community ESG due diligence and community impact assessments. As a former refugee from the Liberian Civil War and a Baha’i refugee from Iran, she is passionate about stimulating dialogue on the most critical issues and the limitless possibilities peace technology, science and creativity shape the way we think about the world’s challenges. She serves as the Entrepreneur-In-Residence at The Peace Innovation Institute where she is helping companies to make strategic investments that reward peace creation and the deeply sustainable new value it generates. June founded Peace IQ to help businesses make decisions that lead to more peaceful communities and a socially sustainable future workforce. Peace IQ helps work staff to solve for the big challenges ahead by supporting teams to operate from diverse points of view. Peace IQ is designed for positive behavioral change that leads to more peaceful organizations and conflict-resilient teams.

|Peace IQ|https://www.halcyonhouse.org/venture/peace-iq/||