Sage Salvo
Sage Salvo is an entrepreneur and PhD Economics candidate. Sage has presented at the SXSW Conference (South by Southwest) twice in Austin, Texas, the TEDx MidAtlantic Conference in Washington, D.C., the DC Education Festival, and was a Keynote speaker at the last IB (International Baccalaureate) Americas Conference. Sage Salvo is the Founder and President of Words Liive, LLC and father of CLI, Contemporary Language Integration. Words Liive is an educational program based on the CLI methodology that Sage obtained an international provisional patent for. Words Liive features algorithms and games that increase students’ reading and writing proficiency over classroom texts including novels, poems, plays and other literary texts via the medium of popular urban music and computer programming language! The newest development of the program is an app that Sage debuted at SXSW called ‘LiiveBoard’. The LiiveBoard app extends the Words Liive program while increasing teachers’ compensation and digital media usage.