Halcyon Incubator Intensives

If our flagship Halcyon Incubator fellowship is extensive, our intensive programs offer the same opportunity to be a part of the Halcyon community, but through focused, tailored programming for specific groups of entrepreneurs.

Each intensive is carefully crafted to maximize the cohort’s time and focus on the most pertinent content, whether that means going deep on certain skills training, networking and developing critical business relationships, coaching and mentorship, or other areas we know are essential to growing social enterprises and bolstering the leadership of their founders.

2021 Opportunity Intensive

While Opportunity Zones have been a polarizing topic, in the case of this program they’ve provided a valuable jumping off point for identifying where in our region the wealth gap is most pronounced and considering ways to ensure the right kind of investment reaches those communities. What began in 2020 with a cohort of nine social entrepreneurs based in or serving Washington, D.C.’s Opportunity Zones expands in 2021 to include twice as many ventures and serve the broader DMV region. Fellows meet for programming one day per month, with two week-long residencies and a culminating showcase event in December.

2021 Bahrain Women's Intensive

A partnership with AWS, the 2021 Bahrain Women’s Intensive is tailored to meet the needs of early-stage tech social enterprise founders based in Bahrain, one of the most exciting ecosystems in the MENA region when it comes to impact-oriented business. With monthly programming, cloud credits and personalized support from AWS solutions architects, and a week-long residency at Halcyon’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., the program promises to foster leadership and scale women-run businesses in a way that will inspire women tech entrepreneurs in Bahrain and the broader region.

Black Girl Ventures x Halcyon Intensive

Black women are among the fastest growing groups of entrepreneurs, but Halcyon and Black Girl Ventures know from experience that growth in entrepreneurship doesn’t always align with distribution of resources and opportunities. The Black Girl Ventures x Halcyon Intensive, sponsored by Bank of America, aims to create a powerful and supportive community for Black and Brown women-identified entrepreneurs, pulling fellows from across the country. Participants receive a stipend, engage in eight months of skill building programming, and will travel to Washington for a week-long residency connecting them with a national network of support and investor capital.

Interested in partnering on intensive programming? We'd love to hear from you!

Many of Halcyon’s intensive offerings change each year as we identify new international groups, partners, sectors, and demographics interested in developing tailored programming. Institutions interested in collaborating on intensive programming, or prospective sponsors interested in presenting intensive programming, are invited to contact m.goff@halcyonhouse.org.